Our sweet little baby girl is no longer a baby she is three today!
Three years ago God sent us a very special Valentine's Day present in the form of our very beautiful daughter, after our five delightful sons.
She was a surprise present arriving 6 weeks early!
Here is our little girl, as a tiny, tiny, 6 week premmie having a bath.
Here she is home from hospital.
Do you like the bright pink nappy?
It's a face washer!
Starting to put on some weight
Her baptism, the gown is a family heirloom and is now 100years old.
I have been given the privilege of being the keeper of this gown for the next generations of our family.
5 months old
The next 18 months are on our other computer so...
fast forward to 2009
A little girl who loves babies...
...loves dressing up
...is passionate about climbing and swinging
...loves ice cream like her mother
...enjoys the beach
....its cold Mum!
Now 2010
"Mum take a photo of me in the sand"
"Look Mum take a photo of me in this hat!"
She's certainly not camera shy!
Happy 3rd Birthday our sweet gorgeous girl,
You will always be our Valentine's Day Rose!
She is adorable! She's a big girl now.