B4 turns 10 on Wednesday and chose to have a Spy Party on Saturday night to celebrate.

It all started with this invitation which he hand delivered to his friends.
The friend's name was on a strip of paper under the paper clip.
I typed it out and then printed in reverse using the t-shirt transfer option on my printer.
The kids all thought this was great.
When they arrived I took a photo of them in this frame,
in his photo B4 decided to hold Maggie
As the kids were arriving they joined in a game of soccer
- a lot of the guests were from B4's soccer team.
Then they lined up and created their own code name which were put into badges to wear during the party.
After this we had target practice using a Nerf Gun that had sticky bullets.
The obstacle course was next on the agenda, this finished as they climbed into B2's bedroom window.
When they were all in the bedroom we opened the door and they had to
go through the deadly laser beams to get into the games room.
Next they played a series of games in the games room:
Diffuse the bomb- bursting black balloons- if they burst one with glitter they were dead.
Disguise relay where they were in two teams with a hat, coat and scarf each.
Secret messages (Chinese whispers)
Pass the dynamite - as pictured above- I should have taken a picture of the dynamite before the game as it was destroyed by the end, like pass the parcel in reverse, if they had the bomb when the music stopped they were out, for this we used spy music and then the bomb blew up when the music stopped- we got the sound effect off the internet.
Lie detector: tell two truths and one lie and the kids had to guess which one was the lie.
Musical statues to spy music.
Murder in the dark
Halfway through the games we came in with these water bottles for the thirsty spies,
I had put Secret Agent.... on each one with paper and then covered with clear contact
Finally they had to solve the secret messages in code form.
I wrote out 4 lines and put them into 4 different codes, they divided into two teams to solve two lines each.
We have played some games and had some fun,
yummy food awaits you now
open wide and follow the feet
to find the place for you to eat.
They then opened the doors to the games room which we had blacked with black plastic table clothes and caution tape, and followed the footprints to the entertaining area which had all the food set out.
For the food labels, I printed off the names, backed them with some black card and taped on a toothpick before placing them in a cherry tomato.
After eating they played a game of spotlight
(flashlight tag- I was told it is called in the US by an American friend yesterday)
Then we had cake
His cake was a magnifying glass, inside was a marble cake,
and we served it with homemade Neapolitan ice cream
(note to self do not put ice cream on a warm tray after washing it up)
Finally it was time for presents and to hand out the party bags as parents came to pick them up.
B4 was allowed to have 3 friends stay over and they set up the sofa beds in the games room and watched Spy Kids before going to sleep.
I have all the things I printed off saved on my computer if anyone wants them for their own spy party just let me know.
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wow!!! what a fun party! good for you and good for all those happy spies!!
ReplyDeleteWhat great fun for all the spies! Must have been a wonderful time and thankfully pleasant weather too.
ReplyDeleteDeanne, you have the best parties I have ever seen. You put so much effort into making your children feel loved and special. They are very blessed to have such a caring mother.
ReplyDeleteOh how cool! What a great theme for a party. Your ideas are so creative.
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome Deanne,
ReplyDeleteI've bookmarked it for future reference.
Have a great day!!!
Tania xx
I would have enjoyed that party too. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a charming idea for a party. Looks like a great time was had by all. Happy Birthday to B4.
ReplyDeleteHappy belated birthday to your son. Sounds like he and his friends had a great time. All the details you put into the party are wonderful and I'm sure were very much appreciated. Thanks for joining my party so other moms will find the party ideas!
ReplyDeleteVery cool party! My 8 yr old son would love it! Found you at Bloom Designs OnLine!
ReplyDeleteawesome!! Love the spy games and cupcake printables.. Thanks for linking up at friday fun party,, :)
ReplyDeleteJust lovely
ReplyDeleteLooks like a hoot
Looks like they had a blast!
ReplyDeleteYou worked hard and I am sure he appreciated it!
Great job!
Thanks for linking up - Stacey of Embracing Change
How fun! What a great idea!
ReplyDeleteThis is awesome! Having an FBI party here in the fall. Can I get printables???? heidelberglion87 at yahoo.com Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI love this! Thank you so much for sharing!!