Monday, April 9, 2012

a very pinterest easter

The vibe around is that we pin things and not do or make things.
This year for Easter I was determined to make pinterest work for me.
Here are some of the things I pinned and made.

 Gluten free hot cross buns, I substituted dried apricots for the mixed peel and used a combination of tapioca and coconut flour for the crosses.
These were a big hit on Sunday at Church.
I made them gluten free and sugar free (except for the eggs) and no-one noticed!

 Easter garden -taken Good Friday,

taken Easter Sunday- look at the growth in that rye grass!
I found several photos for inspiration, here, here and here

 Paper mache eggs
here and here

 Montessori activities- post coming soon about the different things we did.

But it wasn't all sunshine and roses these are the things that didn't quite go to plan.

Easter Sunday breakfast- if I can work out how to fold it!
I didn't get around to these, I was just too tired Saturday night to bother.

for our ice cream sundaes at Easter
I tried these but they didn't work too well, I think I need more oil on the balloon.

I wanted to do this:

 Great Easter centerpiece
But didn't have the right size container,

So ended up with this instead.
Will be looking for a bigger vase for next year.

There were a few things that I have saved for next year, I am sure I will have more inspiration by then to add to my board.

Now I have a huge list of things to do in my school holidays:
 some sorting and labelling and decorating in my sewing room,
a wall to paint,
some clothes to make,
a dolls house to do up,
some movies to see
and I can feel an op shop marathon coming on!

Shared at: Cowgirl up linky Party


  1. Oh wow I love that vase filled with pretty eggs. Will have to try that next year! I too am guilty of pinning and not doing so it's encouraging to see someone who got so much done! Love those cupcakes too :)

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  2. Looks like a productive time shared and also about to happen. Holidays are great for all those catch-up and project type jobs.

  3. Looks like you are pretty busy with all of your Easter activities. I am very impressed. I pretty much cooked the Easter meal and kept my foot up as much as possible, boring but worked for me.


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