Tuesday, November 1, 2011

flying boxes

The other day we brought home a special package.
This package came in two boxes.
As it was unpacked two boys and their little sister swooped onto the boxes and immediately they were transformed into planes.


 The wings required some manual manipulation.

A crash landing

This plane was much more sophisticated, 

But just as much fun.
These were later transformed into many other things, boxes are such versatile toys.

This was what was in the boxes, a new digital piano for B2.
He has been learning for a few months and doing really well and the cheap keyboard that we bought a couple of years ago for him as a birthday present was not going to cut it, as it was not touch sensitive, nor did it have all the keys.
While I would have liked a traditional piano, boys need their toys and a digital with all its functions is much more fun and versatile.


  1. Hi Deanne, looks like the good old cardboard box wins again! Thanks for dropping by Beach Vintage.

  2. Love the boxes and also the piano ! What fun :) I was on your blog this morning (about your Prince) but was called away and couldn't get a minute to myself to comment !! Re your comment on my blog.... TC comes highly recommended. A gifted photographer with his feet on the ground xx Ava

  3. B2 must be delighted. Music in the house is wonderful.

    Box play is great fun isn't it, and then when they become squashed there are all sorts of sliding options too.

  4. My daughter just got one of those (inherited it from MIL) and she loves playing it. So much so that she talked me into getting the piano from my MIL's house instead of selling it in estate sale. I'm a new follower!! Love your verse for 2011!!


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