Monday, November 7, 2011

float procession

Traditionally on the Saturday night of our festival is the float procession where hundreds of floats, cars and whatever else goes past the thousands of spectators.
Prince B4 had to arrive early to get on his float with the royal party.

Here he is at the back of the float before getting on it.

 Some of the businesses in town have floats.

 A marching band

Two of our nieces are on this ute advertising the Speedway.

 A nephew on this one with his soccer club.

  The town cryer

 The official party

 Our prince!
 And just because I couldn't resist the latest addition to the family our little nephew, watching his first float procession, isn't he cute!


  1. Great photos Deanne, ones to keep and remember.

  2. What a fun time! I wish that old truck was mine. andrea@townandprairie

  3. Looks like a grand time! We are having our annual Veteran's Day Parade here in our little town on Saturday. There will be lots of old cars, the fire trucks will join, and lots of soldiers and veterans, and of course the requisite marching bands, and scout groups etc. Looks similar to your parade. I've enjoyed all your posts about the this, it looks like lots of fun!

  4. Parades are always the funnest! Your little prince is a cutie, and ohhhh how precious that new little addition is. :)
    Thanks for visiting and your lovely comment. I did dry those roses myself. I'm glad you liked them. :)
    Have a wonderful week!
    ~ Jo

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